A List of Poems

by - September 01, 2017

Alright, fellas, listen up. I wanted to write something but I have absolutely nothing to write about. But I still wanted to share something with y'all (btw, I'm using y'all way too much lately and I'm starting to annoy myself with my fake Southern accent, maybe I should set up a yeehaw jar, which I have to fill with a Euro, everytime I get hillbilly. (Yes, I use hillbilly as an adjective.)) so here are some of my favorite poems! (Extra points if you didn't have to reread the beginning of this run-on-sentence to get the full meaning.)

There Is a Lake Here by Clint Smith

horror movie pitch by Eve L. Ewing

Self Portrait With No Flag by Safia Elhillo

The Newer Colossus by Karen Finneyfrock

The Type by Sarah Kay

A Small Needful Fact by Ross Gay


Hunger und Angst. Hunger und Angst
trümmern den Schädel ein.
Hunger und Angst. Hunger und Angst
höckern das Herz zu Stein.

Hunger und Angst. Hunger und Angst
brechen Knochen und Glieder.
Hunger und Angst. Hunger und Angst
trampeln den Nächsten nieder.

Brot rettet mich,
Brot tötet dich,
Brot, das du deinem Bruder entrangst
vor Hunger und Angst.


Hunger and Fear. Hunger and Fear
all your thoughts will drown.
Hunger and Fear. Hunger and Fear
stamp the next one down.

Hunger and Fear. Hunger and Fear
break your limb and bone.
Hunger and Fear. Hunger and Fear
turn your heart to stone.

Bread saves me,
Bread kills ye,
Bread, you stole from someone dear
out of Hunger and Fear.)

The last one is by an unidentified writer, who was incarcerated at Terezin Camp in the Czech Republic. I made up the English translation and I'm sorry to say that it is far inferior to the German original.

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